This technote
originates from the MK1 Scirocco FAQ - Thanks -camber!
[Making a Duckbill Spoiler]
Euro Bumpers for the MK1 are next to impossible to
find. Your best bet is to search German E-bay or contact
a stateside parts dealer with connections in Europe.. be
prepared to spend at least $400 U.S.
Mk1 Spoliers
There are basically three types of Front spoilers
still available for the mk1 Scirocco...The Spoiler from
a Scirocco "S" was produced by Zender and is no longer
made but can still be found by personal sellers or, if
your lucky, off a car in a junkyard.
Another spoiler produced by Kamai is still in production
and can be bought new from , basically anything VW
related can be bought at that website
..the Kamai spoiler is the deepest spoiler on the market
so if you plan on lowering your Scirocco...WATCH OUT on

**Props to NogaroGreen for the pics!
Finally.. the duckbill spoiler for a mk1 Scirocco can be
one of the hardest to find. U.S. cars came with a little
duckbill that was only about 2" deep and looked quite
wimpy on the cars out here. If your lucky enough to find
a euro duckbill...GRAB IT!! They look much better at
about 4" deep and actually contribute aerodynamically to
prevent front end lift at high speeds.
A cheaper alternative is to go to your local Chevy
Restoration Parts supplier and ask for a Spoiler from a
1969 Camaro...then go to your local hardware store and
buy 3 -2" L-brackets..3-10mm nuts...3-10mm
bolts...9-lock washers..and 3 sheet metal screws. Across
the top of the spoiler, drill a hole in the middle, and
one about a 1.5" from each end of the spoiler. Then
mount the L-brackets to the top of the spoiler using the
nuts, bolts and washers you just bought. Next, go under
the front of your Scirocco and mount the top of the L
brackets to the bottom of the lower rad support using
the sheet metal screws and 3 remaining washers! Now you
have yourself a $25 duckbill!!
Rabbit GTI spoilers also fit the MK1 Scirocco on both
the front and the back.
