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Saturday, January 27, 2007 11:41:22 PM
- Views Technotes :: Coolant System
This is a HUGE combination technote with content from
technotes as well.
Buy Coolant
Parts (links)
To buy some of the rarer hoses, try
TT tuning's page.
How to replace the Thermostat...
If you have power steering - There's a lot more involved here -
basically, remove your belts - then remove your power steering pump and
set it aside.
1. After Removing the power steering pump here is the location of the
thermostat housing. This picture shows the coolant drained. |
4. This shows where the rubber seal sits on the elbow of the housing. |
2. Move aside the coolant hose, and loosen the two bolts that hold the
housing to the water pump. Remove the housing, take the thermostat out (just
pull it out), then clean the housing. |
5. Put the new thermostat in - noting the coolant flow (there's usually
an arrow - make it point to the lower hose to the radiator). Put the elbow
back in place with the rubber gasket, and reconnect the hose. |
3. Clean out the inside of where the thermostat sits in the pump.
Here is the cleaned out housing mouth... |
6. Refill the coolant - and start your engine up, filling up the coolant
level as the air escapes the system. once the coolant levels off close the
cap and let run for 10 minutes. |
Go up
to step 4... |
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Replacing the
You can buy the upper, lower, and bypass hoses at most auto parts stores
- but to get some of the weird hoses (like the oil cooler T hose, or the
16v bypass hose) - you must order them from online.
Water Pump
This details replacing the waterpump in the Early style
factory A1 cars. It is FAR easier in a Non-A/C car, and fairly easy in a
newer style A/C car. The Old style can be identified by the square
compressor on top.
Extra special thanks to VWVortex user petebee (Peter
Brown) who provided the pictures and notes!!
The culprit. |
First we have to remove el gordo
alternator. It's held in place by a lower mounting allen
bolt (6mm) that is a pain to get at, plus the bolt/nut that
attach to the adjuster bracket on top. My alternator is a
big sucka. To get at the lower bolt remove your horn first: |
Now you'll have a bit more room.
Looking up from underneath, find the small triangular
opening in the A/C bracketry, this is where you'll gain
access to the lower mounting allen bolt: |
Now loosen the top nut/bolt on
the adjuster bracket. Bentley says to move towards the
engine to loosen the belt...ha. Check the available room
that the fatty alternator affords (that's the WP that we're
bumpin' up against): |
I just loosened everything up, wiggled the alternator
around with the lower mounting bolt very loose, and finally
was able to free the belt. Fatty alternator had to stay
under there because I couldn't work it out with A/C
bracketry in the way.
Next you have to remove the timing belt covers (I was
lazy and didn't take pics of this):
1. Remove two nuts on the valve cover that hold the upper
t-belt cover in place, then remove the funny 6mm allen bolt
in the middle of the cover. Remove upper cover.
2. Remove pulleys on the crank and WP. For the crank I
held the pulley in place with a socket wrench on the center
bolt, and was able to crack the pulley bolts. This is
actually a dual pulley (one for WP, one for A/C). Once you
remove the bolts the pulleys pull apart, and there are quite
a few shims that are located in between the two pieces. For
the WP, I held the pulley in place with a large pipe wrench
(the strap kind) and was able to break free the allen bolts
on the pulley.
3. Remove the hub on the crank. This was a bit tricky,
but used the same approach as the pulley (wrench on center
bolt). The hub is held in place by 6mm allen bolts..and
guess what happened to one:
4. Now you need to remove the bolt, nut and allen bolt
that are holding the lower timing belt cover in place.
Next we'll remove the A/C compressor. This is documented
in the Bentley under the engine removal section. Basically
you will need to remove the following bolts that hold the
A/C brackets onto the engine.
On the underside right above where the alternator sits
( fatty alt was still stuck in there. Just push
it to the side). Here are the two bolts covered with gunk
that require removal:
Here's a wrench on one for better
reference: |
Next remove the two bolts that
are along the side of the compressor: |
Then remove the two bolts that
hold the bracket to the block. They flank the warm up
Then remove the two bolts that
attach to the support rod:
There are two more that we need
to remove that were covered by the timing belt cover. They
are both located above the intermediate shaft. One is a 10mm
bolt, the other is a nut/stud. Remove these two, wiggle the
compressor with one hand...reach down and grab fatty
alternator with the other so it doesn't fall into the bucket
of coolant...and flip the whole compressor and bracket unit
onto the front radiator support: |
Look how my 1/2" breaker socket
is dwarfed in comparison to the ginourmous alternator that I
just extricated: |
Now you can remove your WP. First
I took off the t-stat cover (see the backed out bolt for
reference). It is held in by two of these: |
Now pull out the t-stat, but have
the bucket ready!!! Loosen the two rubber hoses that are
located on the right side of the WP. Remove the four bolts
holding in the WP (mine only had the upper two in place, but
you can see from the picture where the other two should be): |
Here's a shot of the Bentley just
for good measure: |
After removing the mounting
bolts, twist the WP off the two hoses, and here's what it
looks like. So much room I could hold a square dance in
there |
And here is the nasty, leaky
culprit that I spent four hours gettin' out |
Heater Core
This is a really good time to replace your heater valve - even if you
don't need it - it's still a good idea.
You have to drain the cooling system before doing this - you'll want to
have a bucket handy inside the car too!
If you don't have A/C - then this is a joke. It's really easy to
do the heater core. Just snap off the cover on the driver's side.
Unclamp the hoses, slide out the heater core.
If you have A/C - Then it sucks to be you! - Just kidding - Here's the
technote - based on the technote from the
Drivers Found Website
1. First Step is to remove the top and
bottom of your console, seeing on this picture, the arrows
indicate the first set of screws to remove.
7. gently pull the plastic cut out and bend
at bottom of box. The heater core is ready to be removed.
Remember - it still has coolant in it. Slide it gently out. |

2. Pull out the 2 heater control handles and
the speed control of the fan and pop out the heater control
panel out. 2 screws that hold the controls to the console
need to come out. The second picture shows the next 2
screws that need to come out before you can start removing
the top console part - I you can't get the console off -
this is probably what's holding it back. |
8. This shows the area clear of the heater
core, clean it out - it will have gunk in it (especially if
your heater core leaked a lot like mine did. once done slide
the replacement heater core in place.
3. Unplug your stereo and gauges and stuff.
Unscrew the shifter ball, and remove the shifter boot. |
9. Reconnect the hoses and screw the clamps
down. Refill your loss coolant, and start the engine, let it
run until it is warm and the coolant is circulating - making
sure you check your hoses for leakage. (you need to have the
heater set to HOT for the circulation to occur)
4. It's easier to get the console off with
the parking brake down, the seats slid all the way back and
the shifter in 4th gear. |

10. Next remember the plastic cover that was
such a pain in the butt to remove first few steps ago?
Here's how you modify it. You will loose a little bit of air
pressure in the vents - but it all goes to your feet - so
It's not so bad. Here is the modified cover, I used the
hack saw blade again and cut a slide through slots for the
hoses. Now you can just slide the cover back on the hoses.
This works - that is all that counts.
5. The heater core will be
reached from the driver side of the box, you will notice a
box screwed in with 4 screws, 3 of which are easy enough to
reach, but the fourth one is located at the rear, at the top
of the box (the picture shows the location and what tool to
use to reach it) I used a 3/8" ratchet with an 1/4"
short socket using an extension magnetic tip of a
screwdriver with a #2 Phillips head.
11. The Flap we cut out is held
in place by the cover we screwed back unto the heater
exchange box. now we are left with 2 cut outs in the air
box... I used some black caulking and filled the cracks
showing. You can also use a soldering iron to melt the
plastic back into place. Be careful not to burn the heater
core. |
6. Get yourself a lot of paper towels, a
bucket, maybe a trash bag to protect your floor. Unscrew the
clamps on the hoses and disconnect them, slide the panel
covering them off. (It's a real pain - See below how to
modify it to be easier) Next, you will notice the plastic
marked in 2 parallel lines the width of the heater core,
grab a thin hacksaw blade and cut away 2 lines from below
the head of the heater core to the bottom of the box.
12. Here's the final product. Looks funny -
but it works. And that's what counts!
Reassemble your dash and enjoy the warm air you deserve so
much in the winter time.
Go up to step 7... |
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Move the Coolant Expansion Tank
Replace that ugly brown and green expansion tank. This is easy...
1. This is where the bottle is moving to. |
10. The new location being prepped. |
2. Here's the old Location |
11. Screw or rivet the plates in place. |
3. Drain the coolant bottle, and remove the overflow hose. |
12. Place the bottles back on their brackets. |
4. After it's empty, disconnect the bottom hose from the
system - remember where this is for later. |
13. Now you have to reconnect it to the system. Get some
coolant hose (Auto parts store) and get some 90' pressure hose angles that
fit the hose, 6 clamps and a tube of hose sealant, and some hose insulation
to protect the fuel lines and spark plug wires. Just run the pipe across
the engine to where the bottom hose was connected to. |
6. Remove the tank, and get a cold chisel, and gently tap in
between body and bracket until the 4 weld points are cut. Bend the bracket
back to normal after you are done. |
14. This shows the connection to the system |
7. Drill four holes in the bracket and mark the spots on
the new location. You have to move the windshield washer bottle bracket
about 1" forward too. |
15. Slide the hose insulation across the tubing that runs
across the engine, and refill the bottle. |
8. Make sure the back is flat, grind it, metal brush it
clean, prime it, paint it... |
16. start the engine - check for leaks. You can lift the
bottle to get the air out of the system. |
9. Meanwhile back in the engine, the sidewalls have been
prepped for a nice coat of primer... |
17. Done |
Go up to
step 10... |
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Upgraded Radiator Fans
You can find the Flex-a-lite Scirocco twin Radiator fan
here - or on
Fixing the Oil cooler
Shown here is how to replace the rings on the oil cooler. You must
drain the oil to do this. If you replace the oil cooler with a new one -
you have to drain the oil and the coolant. DO NOT RE-USE THE OIL OR THE
Cooling system
Troubleshooting chart
From the Bentley Manual...
Problem |
Cause |
What to do |
Overheating |
- No Coolant
- Burst hose
- Weak hose blocking flow at high speeds
- V-belt slipping or broken
- Thermostat stuck shut
- Bad Coolant cap
- Clogged Radiator
- Incorrect timing - or running lean
- Coolant pump broken
- Something's funky with the head gasket - letting water
in and boiling it - If you have white smoke in the exhaust
check this.
- Fill It!
- Replace it - Refill the system
- Replace the old hose
- Replace the belt or tighten it.
- Replace it!
- Replace it with another cap
- Get a new one...
- Fix your timing/mixture
Get a new one - $50
- Replace head gasket
The heater doesn't work well, temp gauge low or
none |
- Thermostat stuck open
- Fan stuck on (this almost never happens)
- Replace it!
- Get a new Temp sensor for the corner of the radiator
The heater doesn't work well, temp gauge is
normal |
- Heater core clogged
- Heater core hoses blocked
- Heater hoses Reversed
- Heater valve dead
- Replace it!
- Replace it!
- Reverse them
- Replace it!
The heater works fine, temp gauge reads low or
none |
- Faulty gauge or sender
- Replace the sender first, then test the gauge
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