Page last Modified:
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:41:35 PM
- Views Technotes :: ATS Technote - MKI Scirocco Headlight Conversion for MK2 Scirocco
Round Headlights on a Scirocco, is like returning what was taken
away with them 4x6 headlights. Annoyed at the cost of euro lights and its wide
distribution, I decided to move back into time and change the missing link on my
Scirocco. to give it back its purebred look that VW took away in 82.
Parts needed for this project:
2 complete PAIRS (4 assemblies) of Scirocco Mk1 headlights
1 complete pair (2 Assemblies) of Mk2headlight (USA OEM),
1 GTI or Mk1 Scirocco Grill (or make your own).
cut each Mk1 headlight assemblies in two parts, keep the low beam (outside
beam lowest profile) parts.
Now remember this is a custom install there is no perfect way unless
yours a welder :), so you need to make the Mk1 parts (2 per side) so that
when you hold the grill up against it, the headlights are spaced properly
and centered the VW insignia in the middle of the grill parts. (this is the
annoying time wasted moving the left and right side by hand (suggestion hold
grill against radiator frame, line up one headlight drilled holes, screw it
in, place opposite side in as well the other should fall in place. |
Now cut the MK2 brackets has shown.
mount your corner lights back on it and install on the corners of the car :)
if you left enough metal on ends it will fit perfectly aligned (maybe a
little trimming involved) with your Mk1 brackets, I slid mine underneath and
use screws to hold it in place (upper and lower corner screws of the Mk1
corner headlight).
This picture is to save yourself a lot of time if you encounter this
situation... it doesn't fit properly, don't hack at it, grab the other
corner light, your tying to use the wrong corner in.
the grill has 2 holes (a top and below) in between headlight, use a long
screw with a sleeve to prevent screw to pull it in too far. and 4 in the
split part of it (only the top ones touch metal.)
there your done, select you headlight as you wish, and go drive your car
around.. and don't forget to post on VWVortex your job, so the rest of the
folks can gawk at it.
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