Page last Modified:
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:41:33 PM
- Views Technotes :: ATS Technote - Put a better ground

I have been staring at my car for so long that
sometimes I loose track of all the things that need to do and in what
priority they should be done..
This is one that I have meant to do, and I think EVERYONE should perform
this , as the wiring on the 8v (alternator cable and ground) are in my eyes
poor in size compared to what would bring better electrical flow on this
engine. So here is what I did....
Remove the negative from the battery |
Remove the positive from the battery, in the picture I also show
additional cabling I have attached to the u clamps of the cable, if you
have such things, remove them from the battery cable. |
The circle indicates the nut to remove from the starter end of the
positive cabling. |
Now we have here, side by side, in blue Size "1" battery cable, in
black stock battery cable dating back 1985!!! Now re-attach the starter
side of the cabling and leave the positive disconnected for the time
being.. |
located near the coil the bolt that goes through the gutter wall (nut
on the other side) The arrow indicates the flat cabling that is a ground
strap, the other end is located on your valve cover. Unbolt that sucka.
Replace it with a size "1" battery cable (flat tipped types) and bolt
that end back on. |
Here is the other end of that ground cable, it being affixed unto the
valve cover bolt where it resides, make sure you bolt it down, but
remember you have a gasket under there too :)
now that done, reconnect your wires to the battery and crank her up ya
done! |
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