Page last Modified:
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:41:33 PM
- Views Technotes :: ATS Technote - Changing a-arms + Prothane poly bushings

One of the things I wanted after changing the 2L project was
to update the front end so I changed the A-Arms, and upped the bushings with
Prothane Poly Bushings for the A-Arms. here is the tech note...
New A- Arms much needed...
Prothane Poly A-Arm bushing kit, 1 piece rear, 3 pieces for the front
bushing. This is for 1 a-arm
this is a dry fitting of the front busings, slipping the 2 halves into each
end of the bracket
Slide in the metal inner bushing into the two halves.
This is what it should look like one assembled.
The rear bushing slides in place by sticking the shaft inside it.
This is how it looked slid into its proper place
Take the bushings all off the a-arms, and lubricate the rear shaft with the
prothane (anti squeak) lubricant and slide the bushing back in place by
rotating it onto the shaft (to permit the grease to get in between the shaft
and bushing
using the same grease, lubricate the 2 poly halves of the front bushing,
then slip both end unto the a-arm
and lubricate the shaft, and complete the assembly of the front
bushings. repeat for other side, when you are done, set your a-arms aside..
time to take the old stuff out. |
you will need to dislodge the ball joint from the knuckle assembly, I
took the bolt off the ball joint and moved on to disconnecting the sway
bar assembly
to disconnect the sway bar from the A-Arm, simply look under the a-arm and
remove these two bolts
then follow the sway bar and find this spot and remove the bolts there..
then using a pry bar pop the ball joint out of the knuckle.
remove the front a-arm bolt
using the flat of a large screwdriver and pulling on the a-arm, dislodge the
old a-arm from the chassis.
Side by side, old and new a-arms... |
if you have new ball joints for your a-arms, go ahead and mount them on, in
my case the ball joint where less than 3 months old so I transferred them
over, assembly is the inverse of disassembly.. repeat for other side.
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